Exposition in our practice

At saterday the 23.02.2019 key event pictures of the german amateur photograph Detlev Averkamp are being shown for the first time in public.

In 17 Pictures the life in Cologne Volkhoven is told by realistic impressions.

These stills are unique, never been exposed before and have the special atmosphere of the seventies and the eighties.

Your are welcome  to join us bis 4. and 7 p.m. Our address Auf der Bude 3, 50735 Cologne. Little drinks an snacks are available.

The work can be purchased 70 x 50 cm cost € 120,-,  50 x 50 cm €100,-,  Postcards 10 x 15 cm priced by € 3,-

We speak German, English, Dutch and French.


Volkhoven Flyer 2Flyer Ausstellung1

Language Switcher